Sunday, February 26, 2012

export to excel file

I've created a dts package that exports data to an excel. The data exports okay, but I'd like to make a few changes on how the data is exported.

First, when the data exports to the excel file, it always creates a new excel sheet. How can I map the data to the existing sheet in the Excel file? I have an existing sheet named 'Sheet1'. I've deleted the other two sheets in the excel file, so there is only one sheet. When I created the destination table in the dts package for the data transformation task, I specified the name as 'Sheet1', but when it exports, it creates a new sheet named 'Sheet11'. I haven't been able to correct this.

Second, I'd like to either ammend data to the last row in the excel file, which I'd have to know the last record that was inserted from the SQL table. Or probably much easier, simply drop the existing sheet in the excel file and simply re-create and insert.

How can I do this?

-D-I figured it out...please disregard.

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